Journal of Science and Sustainable Development <p><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Journal of Science and Sustainable Development (JSSD)</strong> is an open access peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal published by Ambo University, Ethiopia, that provides rapid publication (bi-annually) of articles in all subject areas covering,but not limited to, Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Technology and Social Sciences. The journal welcomes submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance in scientific excellence.Authors are advised to strictly follow the AuthorsGuideline as a mere deviation from the basics of the Journal format can lead to automatic rejection of the manuscript without going in depth in to it.</span></p> en-US (Alemayehu Adugna (PhD)) (Alemayehu Adugna Ergie (PhD)) Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:22:10 +0000 OJS 60 Analysis of Factors Affecting Adoption of Vermicomposting Organic Fertilizer and Its Impact on Household’s Income in Holeta District, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia <p><em>Agriculture remains the backbone of Ethiopia’s economy, providing livelihoods for the majority of its population. However, despite its critical importance, the sector is characterized by persistently low productivity. To address this challenge and spur economic growth, the Ethiopian government has prioritized the promotion of value-added compost (VC) organic fertilizer. Nevertheless, the adoption of VC organic fertilizer remains low in many areas, including the Holeta district. This study was conducted to identify the factors influencing the adoption of VC organic fertilizer among farmers in this region. The study utilized both primary and secondary data collected from 174 household head farmers and published and unpublished sources. The analytical framework included descriptive statistics, logistic regression models, and propensity score matching to evaluate the factors influencing adoption and its economic impact. The results revealed that several factors significantly affected farmers' decisions to adopt VC organic fertilizer, including farming experience, farm size, family size, livestock ownership, access to extension services, access to information media, and participation in training programs. Moreover, propensity score matching analysis demonstrated that the adoption of VC organic fertilizer led to an increase in farm income per hectare, ranging from 45,571 ETB to 48,537 ETB. These findings underscore the economic benefits of adopting VC organic fertilizer and highlight the need for targeted interventions. To encourage adoption, the government and other stakeholders need to enhance farmers' access to training, provide robust extension services, and ensure the availability of VC organic fertilizer. Improved access to information about its benefits and usage is also crucial for fostering wider adoption and, ultimately, boosting agricultural productivity and rural incomes.</em></p> Diriba Mehari , Aman Rikitu Copyright (c) 2025 Aman Rikitu Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Stakeholders Training to Enhance Farmers Participation Focusing on Wheat Value Chain: the case of Ambo District, Oromia, Ethiopia <p><em>The study was carried out to assess the involvement of stakeholders' training to enhance farmers' participation focusing on the wheat value chain. The study has been conducted based on the information collected from 35 development agents, 35 smallholders, 2 Farmers’ Cooperative Union experts, and 1 Cooperative focal person. The study employed a mixed research method. Accordingly, the following results were found. Development agents provided different kinds of training for progressive and leader farmers. Cooperative delivered market-related information, agricultural inputs, and purchased agricultural outputs from smallholders. The wheat value chain was at the initial stage and the involvement of farmers was not satisfactory.</em></p> Kebede Soressa Guta Copyright (c) 2025 Kebede Soressa Guta Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Postharvest Management Challenges and Opportunities of Horticultural Crops in Selected Districts of Southwest Shewa, Oromia, Ethiopia <p><em>Initially identifying the constraints and opportunities in all the paths of horticultural crops value chain improvement targets are indispensable so as to secure food availability and accessibility. Post-harvest activities including market facilities are very important on top of productivity enhancement. Horticultural crops are highly productive compared with other crops, and also they are superior in nutrition content which is fundamental in balancing the diet. Derived from the research inquisition raised by society as a key point, the purpose of this study was to identify the post-harvest challenges and opportunities, and then generate baseline information that helps prioritize them for future intervention. Qualitative and quantitative data from both primary and secondary sources were collected from potential horticulture crops producing areas of the southwest Shewa zone, i.e., the selected three districts (Elu, Waliso and Wanchi) for this study. Finally, the data were analyzed with the help of SPSS software Version 20.0. Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, frequencies), and SWOT analysis for better illustration of postharvest issues such as storage, marketing, transportation, and postharvest handling were also applied. According to the study, the area has potential for producing horticultural crops on account of conducive agro-ecologies, the presence of ample labor, market options, and high interest of the farmers to produce are some of the opportunities identified. To utilize these prospects, however, there is a need for farmers’ and experts’ capacity building through different mechanisms such as among others training, provision and adoption of the latest technologies (e.g. cold truck), creating reasonable market alternatives, modern storage facilities, and securing crop protection programs for better prices. Conclusively, there is high potential to boost horticultural crop production. However, because of the recurrent challenges particularly marketing and price fluctuation, storage and transportation facilities were identified as major bottlenecks at postharvest. &nbsp;</em></p> Hailu Duguma Muleta, Mosisa Chewaka Aga, Dabesa Wegari Obosha Copyright (c) 2025 Hailu Duguma Muleta Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Milk Production, Processing and Marketing Practices in Sebeta Hawas District, Shagar City, Ethiopia <p><em>The study was conducted to assess milk production, processing and marketing systems in Sebeta Hawas district of Oromia, Ethiopia. A total of 139 randomly selected smallholder farmers were involved in the study from five purposefully selected kebeles of the district. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. The data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 24 and a z-test was employed to test the difference between rural and urban dairy production systems. Pasture was the major feed source (54.7%) of dairy animals in the district followed by crop residues (25.9%). The majority (69.1%) of the dairy farmers use free grazing while only about 26% practice stall feeding in the district. More than 2/3 (68.3%) of the dairy farmers in rural areas do not produce improved forage for their dairy cattle due to shortage of land (38.3%), shortage of forage seeds and fertilizer (36.2%) and lack of awareness (22.3%) whereas more than half (57.9%) of the dairy producers in urban areas produce improved forage for their dairy cows. Almost all (99.3%) of the milk produced in the study area was traditionally processed using hand churning. Informal marketing was the sole means of dairy products (milk, cheese and butter) marketing. Feed shortage, animal diseases, poor accessibility of AI and poor dairy marketing systems were the major milk production constraints in the study district. Thus, developing improved forage in the areas, introducing milk processing technologies, linking milk producers to formal milk marketing systems, strengthening access to veterinary services and vaccination, improving access to AI services and improving the whole extension systems were recommended to improve milk production, processing and marketing in the study district.</em></p> Lemma Fita, Ulfina Galmessa, Genet Midaksa Copyright (c) 2025 Lemma Fita, Ulfina Galmessa, Genet Midaksa Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Phytochemical Characterization and Invitro Evaluation of Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Dodonaea angustifolia Leaves in Ambo District, Ethiopia Busha Jima, Misganu Yonas, Tibebu Alemu, Jabane Dinkisa, Bulti Abdisa Kerayu Copyright (c) 2025 Bulti Abdisa Kerayu Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Status of molecular marker utilization in conventional maize breeding in Ethiopia <p><em>The demand for maize (Zea mays L.) has been steadily growing in Ethiopia. It contributes to the greatest share of production and consumption along with other major cereal crops such as tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.). Three-fourth of the maize produced is consumed at the household level by the small-scale producers themselves. According to recent reports, it was grown by 10.2 million households in the country, which constituted 64.7% of the total cereal producing households. Besides, it contributed to 35.0% of the total cereal production in the country with an average national yield of 4.24 t ha-1, which is among the top three highest national average yield reported in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, the national average productivity is still low as compared to the world average yield of 5.8 t ha-1, which is attributed to several production constraints. Despite all the efforts and progress made in the development and dissemination of maize technologies for different maize growing agro-ecologies, the biotic and abiotic constraints remained the major limiting factors for maize production and productivity. Genetic improvement provides an option to address some of the constraints facing maize production and productivity in Ethiopia today, but mainly relies on the presence of genetic diversity, systematic characterization, and effective use of available germplasm. To this end, the use of molecular tools in the Ethiopian maize breeding programs has enhanced the breeding selection process; however, a much more effort is need to further consolidate with the conventional schemes. The objective of this manuscript is, therefore, to review the status of molecular markers’ contribution to the conventional maize breeding in Ethiopia.</em></p> Demissew Abakemal, Addisalem Mebratu, Demsachew Guadie, Lata Tulu Copyright (c) 2025 Demissew Abakemal Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Active Learning Methods in English as a Foreign Language Classroom: The Case of Selected Government Secondary Schools in Bole Sub-City, Addis Ababa <p><em>This study was aimed at investigating opportunities and challenges in implementing active learning methods in EFL classrooms: the case of Grade 11 Selected Government Secondary Schools in Bole Sub-city, Addis Ababa in 2024/25. Subjects of the study were teachers, students, principals, and supervisors of the academic year 2024/25. An explanatory research design was also employed to achieve the objectives of this study. Different sampling techniques such as convenience, random, and availability sampling were used to include the school, teachers, students, principals, and supervisors. The data was collected by using questionnaires, interviews, and classroom observation. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. This study showed that teachers’ practice of active learning methods was low. The study also identified challenges such as large class size, time constraints, shortage of resources and materials, teachers’ lack of interest in active learning, students’ lack of self-direction, collaboration, or independent problem-solving skills, and teachers’ lack of necessary training as the challenges that affect their implementation of active learning and teaching methods. The identified opportunities for implementing active learning methods were administrative support, availability of professional development, students’ engagement, adaptability, teacher collaboration, curriculum flexibility and using existing opportunities.&nbsp; In addition to this, active learning is successfully implemented if the challenges are minimized and opportunities are maximized. Therefore, teachers, principals, and supervisors should work cooperatively for the successful implementation of active learning and teaching methods</em></p> Beyan Kedir Obsa, Eba Mijena Negero Copyright (c) 2025 Beyan Kedir Obsa, Eba Mijena Negero Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Effects of Crop Management Practices on Selected Soil Physicochemical Properties in Bako Tibe District, Western Ethiopia <p><em>Indecorous land use and management systems have a negative effect on soil properties, which is related to the sustainability of agricultural production. With this in view, the study was conducted to investigate the effects of crop rotation on selected soil physicochemical properties in Bako Tibe district, Western Ethiopia. The composite soil samples were collected randomly from three cropping systems with similar slopes adjacent to each other. Selected soil physicochemical parameters were analysed by using standard procedures. The dominant textural classes of the soils under all crops were sand clay loam at 0-20 cm and sandy clay at 20-40 cm soil depth. The highest bulk density (1.29 gcm-3) and lowest bulk density (1.27 gcm-3) was observed under continuous maize and Maize Faba Bean -wheat. The highest (6.68) and lowest (5.66) soil pH values were observed in Maize-Faba Bean-Wheat and Continues Maize, respectively. The highest (3.85%) and lowest (3.10%) soil organic carbon was observed under Maize Faba Bean Wheat and Continues Maize, respectively. The highest (0.42%) and lowest (0.28%) mean of total nitrogen contents were observed under Maize- Faba Bean -Wheat and continuous maize, respectively. The mean values of cation exchange capacity range from 33.38 to 30.97meq100g-1 under the cropping system. The soil physicochemical parameters decreased from Maize- Faba Bean -Wheat to Maize- Faba Bean and Continues Maize. Therefore, selected soil physicochemical properties under continuous maize should be needed through educating and training farmers on integrated land management for sustainable crop production.</em></p> Tamiru Rebuma, Abdissa Bekele, Shasho Zeleke Copyright (c) 2025 Abdissa Bekele, Tamiru Rebuma Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Bridging the Gaps: Incongruences and challenges in Academic English skills and Professional English skills <p><em>Mastery of English language skills is essential for academic success and professional development, particularly in non-native English-speaking contexts such as Ethiopia. This study investigated English language skill difficulties faced by undergraduate agriculture students at Ambo University and former graduates in their workplaces. It focused on their proficiency in the four macro-skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), the challenges encountered in academic contexts, and the language barriers experienced in professional settings. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. A survey was administered to 13 former graduates and 121 undergraduate agriculture students across different academic programs, assessing their self-reported proficiency and their areas of difficulty in English language skills. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews were conducted with four English language instructors and four employers working in various sectors of the agriculture industry. In addition, an evaluation of course materials assessed their alignment with students’ English proficiency levels. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while thematic analysis was applied to the qualitative data. Findings revealed significant difficulties in writing and speaking, particularly in academic reporting, presentations, and discussions. Former graduates reported that these challenges persist in professional settings, hindering effective communication, access to resources, and career advancement. Contributing factors included inadequate language support and insufficient focus on English within the curriculum. This research highlights the need for tailored language instruction aligned with the academic and professional demands of agriculture students. By addressing these needs, universities can better prepare graduates to meet the challenges of global and national agricultural development. The findings provide actionable insights for higher education institutions in Ethiopia and similar contexts, underscoring the importance of specialized English education in fostering academic and professional competence in agriculture.</em></p> Diriba Legesse, Wondimu Tegegne Copyright (c) 2025 Diriba Legesse, Wondimu Tegegne Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Family Characteristic Variables and Their Relationships with Family Cohesion, Adaptability, and Communications among Families in Mettu Town, Southwest Ethiopia: From Adolescents’ Viewpoint Wakgari Megersa Aga, Daniel Tefera Abebe Copyright (c) 2025 Wakgari Megersa Aga, Daniel Tefera Abebe Wed, 12 Mar 2025 00:00:00 +0000