Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Active Learning Methods in English as a Foreign Language Classroom: The Case of Selected Government Secondary Schools in Bole Sub-City, Addis Ababa


  • Beyan Kedir Obsa Department of English Language and Literature, Kotobe University of Education, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Eba Mijena Negero Chief Executive Officer for Academic Affairs, FDRE Ministry of Education, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia




opportunities, challenges, implementing, active learning methods


This study was aimed at investigating opportunities and challenges in implementing active learning methods in EFL classrooms: the case of Grade 11 Selected Government Secondary Schools in Bole Sub-city, Addis Ababa in 2024/25. Subjects of the study were teachers, students, principals, and supervisors of the academic year 2024/25. An explanatory research design was also employed to achieve the objectives of this study. Different sampling techniques such as convenience, random, and availability sampling were used to include the school, teachers, students, principals, and supervisors. The data was collected by using questionnaires, interviews, and classroom observation. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. This study showed that teachers’ practice of active learning methods was low. The study also identified challenges such as large class size, time constraints, shortage of resources and materials, teachers’ lack of interest in active learning, students’ lack of self-direction, collaboration, or independent problem-solving skills, and teachers’ lack of necessary training as the challenges that affect their implementation of active learning and teaching methods. The identified opportunities for implementing active learning methods were administrative support, availability of professional development, students’ engagement, adaptability, teacher collaboration, curriculum flexibility and using existing opportunities.  In addition to this, active learning is successfully implemented if the challenges are minimized and opportunities are maximized. Therefore, teachers, principals, and supervisors should work cooperatively for the successful implementation of active learning and teaching methods




How to Cite

Obsa, B. K. ., & Negero, E. M. . (2025). Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing Active Learning Methods in English as a Foreign Language Classroom: The Case of Selected Government Secondary Schools in Bole Sub-City, Addis Ababa. Journal of Science and Sustainable Development, 13(1), 99-111. https://doi.org/10.20372/au.jssd.13.1.2025.0550



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